weighed in at 202.5 although I am very happy, I hesitate to be too overjoyed.I have cut out the creamer( i must be desperate)and I won't ever do cabbage again.I made a delicious bowl of tomato soup last night with my protein from 2 tbsp of tomato paste which is 33 calories. I added water, some garlic and herb seasoning and voila! It was delicious! Nice, hot and satisfying. I had another cup and was so full for the rest of the night. It felt like I had cheated. In the future I will stop at one bowl and I hope it doesn't interfere with my weight loss as the cabbage did. So far I have lost...
pre-load weight - 10.5 lbs in 14 days
postload weight - 19 lbs in 14 days
I guess I'm not doing so bad after all, huh?
Not so bad my bootie - you are doing AWESOME!!!!